

సర్వ మంగళ మాంగల్యే శివే సర్వార్ధి సాధికే శరన్యే త్రయంబకే దేవి నారాయని నమోస్తుతే .
కాలే వర్షతు పర్జన్యః పృథివీ సశ్యశాలినీ । దేశోఽయం క్షోభరహితః బ్రాహ్మణాః సంతు నిర్భయాః ॥

ఓం శాంతి ! శాంతి !! శాంతి: !!! .సత్యం నిత్యం అనంతం

28 అక్టోబర్, 2011

no one can atone me.

Marching Light

This is the original poem that Yoganandaji rendered as "Rama Swami Tirtha's Song" in Cosmic Chants:

No, no one can atone me.
Say, who could have injured,
And who could atone me?
No, no one can atone me.

The world turns aside
To make room for me;
I come, Blazing Light!
And the shadows must flee.

I come, O you Ocean!
Divide up and part;
Or parched up and scorched up,
Be dried up, depart.

O Mountains, beware!
Come not in my way;
Tour ribs will be shattered
And tattered today.

O Kings and Commanders
My fanciful toys I
Here’s a Deluge of fire,
Line clear! My boys

Advisers and Counsellors!
Pray, waste not your breath.
Yes, take up my orders,
Devour up, ye, Death.

Go, howl on, O winds,
O my dogs! howl free.
Beat, beat, Storms!
O my Bugles! blow free.

I ride on the Tempests,
Astride on the Gale,
My gun is the Lightning,
My shots never fail.

I chase as an huntsman,
I eat as I seize
The hearts of the mountains,
The lands and the seas.

I hitch to my chariot
The Pates and the Gods.
With Thunder of cannon
Proclaim it abroad:

Shake! shake off Delusion,
Wake! wake up!
Be free, Liberty! Liberty!
Liberty! OM!
source : www.yoganandaji.org/



॥ श्री गणपत्यथर्वशीर्ष ॥
॥ शान्ति पाठ ॥
ॐ भद्रं कर्णेभिः शृणुयाम देवाः । भद्रं पश्येमाक्षभिर्यजत्राः ॥
स्थिरैरङ्गैस्तुष्टुवांसस्तनूभिः । व्यशेम देवहितं यदायुः ॥
ॐ स्वस्ति न इन्द्रो वृद्धश्रवाः । स्वस्ति नः पूषा विश्ववेदाः ॥
स्वस्तिनस्तार्क्ष्यो अरिष्टनेमिः । स्वस्ति नो बृहस्पतिर्दधातु ॥
ॐ तन्मामवतु तद् वक्तारमवतु अवतु माम् अवतु वक्तारम्
ॐ शांतिः । शांतिः ॥ शांतिः॥।
॥ उपनिषत् ॥
॥हरिः ॐ नमस्ते गणपतये ॥
त्वमेव प्रत्यक्षं तत्त्वमसि। त्वमेव केवलं कर्ताऽसि। त्वमेव केवलं धर्ताऽसि। त्वमेव केवलं हर्ताऽसि। त्वमेव सर्वं खल्विदं ब्रह्मासि। त्वं साक्षादात्माऽसि नित्यम् ॥ १॥
गणपति को नमस्कार है, तुम्हीं प्रत्यक्ष तत्त्व हो, तुम्हीं केवल कर्त्ता, तुम्हीं केवल धारणकर्ता और तुम्हीं केवल संहारकर्ता हो, तुम्हीं केवल समस्त विश्वरुप ब्रह्म हो और तुम्हीं साक्षात् नित्य आत्मा हो।
॥ स्वरूप तत्त्व ॥
ऋतं वच्मि (वदिष्यामि)॥ सत्यं वच्मि (वदिष्यामि)॥ २॥
यथार्थ कहता हूँ। सत्य कहता हूँ।
अव त्वं माम् । अव वक्तारम् । अव श्रोतारम् । अव दातारम् । अव धातारम् । अवानूचानमव शिष्यम् । अव पश्चात्तात् । अव पुरस्तात् । अवोत्तरात्तात् । अव दक्षिणात्तात् । अव चोर्ध्वात्तात्। अवाधरात्तात्। सर्वतो मां पाहि पाहि समंतात् ॥३॥
तुम मेरी रक्षा करो। वक्ता की रक्षा करो। श्रोता की रक्षा करो। दाता की रक्षा करो। धाता की रक्षा करो। षडंग वेदविद् आचार्य की रक्षा करो। शिष्य रक्षा करो। पीछे से रक्षा करो। आगे से रक्षा करो। उत्तर (वाम भाग) की रक्षा करो। दक्षिण भाग की रक्षा करो। ऊपर से रक्षा करो। नीचे की ओर से रक्षा करो। सर्वतोभाव से मेरी रक्षा करो। सब दिशाओं से मेरी रक्षा करो।
त्वं वाङ्ग्मयस्त्वं चिन्मयः। त्वमानंदमयस्त्वं ब्रह्ममयः। त्वं सच्चिदानंदाद्वितीयोऽसि। त्वं प्रत्यक्षं ब्रह्मासि। त्वं ज्ञानमयो विज्ञानमयोऽसि ॥४॥
तुम वाङ्मय हो, तुम चिन्मय हो। तुम आनन्दमय हो। तुम ब्रह्ममय हो। तुम सच्चिदानन्द अद्वितीय परमात्मा हो। तुम प्रत्यक्ष ब्रह्म हो। तुम ज्ञानमय हो, विज्ञानमय हो।
सर्वं जगदिदं त्वत्तो जायते। सर्वं जगदिदं त्वत्तस्तिष्ठति। सर्वं जगदिदं त्वयि लयमेष्यति। सर्वं जगदिदं त्वयि प्रत्येति। त्वं भूमिरापोऽनलोऽनिलो नभः। त्वं चत्वारि वाक्पदानि ॥ ५॥
यह सारा जगत् तुमसे उत्पन्न होता है। यह सारा जगत् तुमसे सुरक्षित रहता है। यह सारा जगत् तुममें लीन होता है। यह अखिल विश्व तुममें ही प्रतीत होता है। तुम्हीं भूमि, जल, अग्नि और आकाश हो। तुम्हीं परा, पश्यन्ती, मध्यमा और वैखरी चतुर्विध वाक् हो।
त्वं गुणत्रयातीतः त्वमवस्थात्रयातीतः। त्वं देहत्रयातीतः। त्वं कालत्रयातीतः। त्वं मूलाधारः स्थिथोऽसि नित्यम्। त्वं शक्तित्रयात्मकः। त्वां योगिनो ध्यायंति नित्यम्। त्वं ब्रह्मा त्वं विष्णुस्त्वं रुद्रस्त्वं इन्द्रस्त्वं अग्निस्त्वं वायुस्त्वं सूर्यस्त्वं चंद्रमास्त्वं ब्रह्मभूर्भुवःस्वरोम् ॥ ६॥
तुम सत्त्व-रज-तम-इन तीनों गुणों से परे हो। तुम भूत-भविष्य-वर्तमान-इन तीनों कालों से परे हो। तुम स्थूल, सूक्ष्म और कारण- इन तीनों देहों से परे हो। तुम नित्य मूलाधार चक्र में स्थित हो। तुम प्रभु-शक्ति, उत्साह-शक्ति और मन्त्र-शक्ति- इन तीनों शक्तियों से संयुक्त हो। योगिजन नित्य तुम्हारा ध्यान करते हैं। तुम ब्रह्मा हो। तुम विष्णु हो। तुम रुद्र हो। तुम इन्द्र हो। तुम अग्नि हो। तुम वायु हो। तुम सूर्य हो। तुम चन्द्रमा हो। तुम (सगूण) ब्रह्म हो, तुम (निर्गुण) त्रिपाद भूः भुवः स्वः एवं प्रणव हो।
॥ गणेश मंत्र ॥
गणादिं पूर्वमुच्चार्य वर्णादिं तदनंतरम्।अनुस्वारः परतरः। अर्धेन्दुलसितम्। तारेण ऋद्धम्। एतत्तव मनुस्वरूपम्। गकारः पूर्वरूपम्। अकारो मध्यमरूपम्। अनुस्वारश्चान्त्यरूपम्। बिन्दुरुत्तररूपम्। नादः संधानम्। संहितासंधिः। सैषा गणेशविद्या। गणकऋषिः। निचृद्गायत्रीच्छंदः। गणपतिर्देवता। ॐ गं गणपतये नमः ॥ ७॥
‘गण’ शब्द के आदि अक्षर गकार का पहले उच्चारण करके अनन्तर आदिवर्ण अकार का उच्चारण करें। उसके बाद अनुस्वार रहे। इस प्रकार अर्धचन्द्र से पहले शोभित जो ‘गं’ है, वह ओंकार के द्वारा रुद्ध हो, अर्थात् उसके पहले और पीछे भी ओंकार हो। यही तुम्हारे मन्त्र का स्वरुप (ॐ गं ॐ) है। ‘गकार’ पूर्वरुप है, ‘अकार’ मध्यमरुप है, ‘अनुस्वार’ अन्त्य रुप है। ‘बिन्दु’ उत्तररुप है। ‘नाद’ संधान है। संहिता’ संधि है। ऐसी यह गणेशविद्या है। इस विद्या के गणक ऋषि हैं। निचृद् गायत्री छन्द है और गणपति देवता है। मन्त्र है- ‘ॐ गं गणपतये नमः”
॥ गणेश गायत्री ॥
एकदंताय विद्महे वक्रतुण्डाय धीमहि तन्नो दंतिः प्रचोदयात् ॥ ८॥
एकदन्त को हम जानते हैं, वक्रतुण्ड का हम ध्यान करते हैं। दन्ती हमको उस ज्ञान और ध्यान में प्रेरित करें।
॥ गणेश रूप (ध्यानम्)॥
एकदंतं चतुर्हस्तं पाशमंकुशधारिणम् ॥
रदं च वरदं हस्तैर्बिभ्राणं मूषकध्वजम् ॥
रक्तं लंबोदरं शूर्पकर्णकं रक्तवाससम् ॥
रक्तगंधानुलिप्तांगं रक्तपुष्पैः सुपूजितम् ॥
भक्तानुकंपिनं देवं जगत्कारणमच्युतम् ॥
आविर्भूतं च सृष्ट्यादौ प्रकृतेः पुरुषात्परम् ॥
एवं ध्यायति यो नित्यं स योगी योगिनां वरः ॥ ९॥
गणपतिदेव एकदन्त और चर्तुबाहु हैं। वे अपने चार हाथों में पाश, अंकुश, दन्त और वरमुद्रा धारण करते हैं। उनके ध्वज में मूषक का चिह्न है। वे रक्तवर्ण, लम्बोदर, शूर्पकर्ण तथा रक्तवस्त्रधारी हैं। रक्तचन्दन के द्वारा उनके अंग अनुलिप्त हैं। वे रक्तवर्ण के पुष्पों द्वारा सुपूजित हैं। भक्तों की कामना पूर्ण करने वाले, ज्योतिर्मय, जगत् के कारण, अच्युत तथा प्रकृति और पुरुष से परे विद्यमान वे पुरुषोत्तम सृष्टि के आदि में आविर्भूत हुए। इनका जो इस प्रकार नित्य ध्यान करता है, वह योगी योगियों में श्रेष्ठ है।
॥ अष्ट नाम गणपति ॥
नमो व्रातपतये । नमो गणपतये । नमः प्रमथपतये । नमस्तेऽस्तु लंबोदरायैकदंताय । विघ्ननाशिने शिवसुताय । श्रीवरदमूर्तये नमो नमः ॥ १०॥
व्रातपति, गणपति, प्रमथपति, लम्बोदर, एकदन्त, विघ्ननाशक, शिवतनय तथा वरदमूर्ति को नमस्कार है।
॥ फलश्रुति ॥
एतदथर्वशीर्षं योऽधीते ॥ स ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते ॥ स सर्वतः सुखमेधते ॥ स सर्व विघ्नैर्नबाध्यते ॥ स पंचमहापापात्प्रमुच्यते ॥ सायमधीयानो दिवसकृतं पापं नाशयति ॥ प्रातरधीयानो रात्रिकृतं पापं नाशयति ॥ सायंप्रातः प्रयुंजानो अपापो भवति ॥ सर्वत्राधीयानोऽपविघ्नो भवति ॥ धर्मार्थकाममोक्षं च विंदति ॥ इदमथर्वशीर्षमशिष्याय न देयम् ॥ यो यदि मोहाद्दास्यति स पापीयान् भवति सहस्रावर्तनात् यं यं काममधीते तं तमनेन साधयेत् ॥ ११॥
इस अथर्वशीर्ष का जो पाठ करता है, वह ब्रह्मीभूत होता है, वह किसी प्रकार के विघ्नों से बाधित नहीं होता, वह सर्वतोभावेन सुखी होता है, वह पंच महापापों से मुक्त हो जाता है। सायंकाल इसका अध्ययन करनेवाला दिन में किये हुए पापों का नाश करता है, प्रातःकाल पाठ करनेवाला रात्रि में किये हुए पापों का नाश करता है। सायं और प्रातःकाल पाठ करने वाला निष्पाप हो जाता है। (सदा) सर्वत्र पाठ करनेवाले सभी विघ्नों से मुक्त हो जाता है एवं धर्म, अर्थ, काम और मोक्ष- इन चारों पुरुषार्थों को प्राप्त करता है। यह अथर्वशीर्ष इसको नहीं देना चाहिये, जो शिष्य न हो। जो मोहवश अशिष्य को उपदेश देगा, वह महापापी होगा। इसकी १००० आवृत्ति करने से उपासक जो कामना करेगा, इसके द्वारा उसे सिद्ध कर लेगा।
(विविध प्रयोग)
अनेन गणपतिमभिषिंचति स वाग्मी भवति ॥ चतुर्थ्यामनश्नन् जपति स विद्यावान् भवति ।
स यशोवान् भवति ॥ इत्यथर्वणवाक्यम् ॥ ब्रह्माद्याचरणं विद्यात् न बिभेति कदाचनेति ॥ १२॥
जो इस मन्त्र के द्वारा श्रीगणपति का अभिषेक करता है, वह वाग्मी हो जाता है। जो चतुर्थी तिथि में उपवास कर जप करता है, वह विद्यावान् हो जाता है। यह अथर्वण-वाक्य है। जो ब्रह्मादि आवरण को जानता है, वह कभी भयभीत नहीं होता।
(यज्ञ प्रयोग)
यो दूर्वांकुरैर्यजति स वैश्रवणोपमो भवति ॥ यो लाजैर्यजति स यशोवान् भवति ॥ स मेधावान् भवति ॥ यो मोदकसहस्रेण यजति स वाञ्छितफलमवाप्नोति ॥ यः साज्यसमिद्भिर्यजति
स सर्वं लभते स सर्वं लभते ॥ १३॥
जो दुर्वांकुरों द्वारा यजन करता है, वह कुबेर के समान हो जाता है। जो लाजा के द्वारा यजन करता है, वह यशस्वी होता है, वह मेधावान होता है। जो सहस्त्र मोदकों के द्वारा यजन करता है, वह मनोवाञ्छित फल प्राप्त करता है। जो घृताक्त समिधा के द्वारा हवन करता है, वह सब कुछ प्राप्त करता है, वह सब कुछ प्राप्त करता है।
(अन्य प्रयोग)
अष्टौ ब्राह्मणान् सम्यग्ग्राहयित्वा सूर्यवर्चस्वी भवति ॥ सूर्यगृहे महानद्यां प्रतिमासंनिधौ वा जप्त्वा सिद्धमंत्रो भवति ॥ महाविघ्नात्प्रमुच्यते ॥ महादोषात्प्रमुच्यते ॥ महापापात् प्रमुच्यते ॥ स सर्वविद्भवति स सर्वविद्भवति ॥ य एवं वेद इत्युपनिषत् ॥ १४॥
जो आठ ब्राह्मणों को इस उपनिषद् का सम्यक ग्रहण करा देता है, वह सूर्य के समान तेज-सम्पन्न होता है। सूर्यग्रहण के समय महानदी में अथवा प्रतिमा के निकट इस उपनिषद् का जप करके साधक सिद्धमन्त्र हो जाता है। सम्पूर्ण महाविघ्नों से मुक्त हो जाता है। महापापों से मुक्त हो जाता है। महादोषों से मुक्त हो जाता है। वह सर्वविद् हो जाता है। जो इस प्रकार जानता है-वह सर्वविद् हो जाता है।
॥ शान्ति मंत्र ॥
ॐ सहनाववतु ॥ सहनौभुनक्तु ॥ सह वीर्यं करवावहै ॥ तेजस्विनावधीतमस्तु मा विद्विषावहै ॥
ॐ भद्रं कर्णेभिः शृणुयाम देवाः । भद्रं पश्येमाक्षभिर्यजत्राः ॥ स्थिरैरंगैस्तुष्टुवांसस्तनूभिः ।
व्यशेम देवहितं यदायुः ॥ 
ॐ स्वस्ति न इन्द्रो वृद्धश्रवाः । स्वस्ति नः पूषा विश्ववेदाः ॥ स्वस्तिनस्तार्क्ष्यो अरिष्टनेमिः ।
स्वस्ति नो बृहस्पतिर्दधातु ॥
ॐ शांतिः । शांतिः ॥ शांतिः ॥।
॥ इति श्रीगणपत्यथर्वशीर्षं समाप्तम् ॥

Swami Rama Tirtha

Truth is Your Birth Right. Assert
it and Be Master of Universe. Truth
is “Tattva-Masi” - “That Thou Art” — Rama

Rama guarantees that anybody in this world who reads
or hears all of Rama's speeches, would get his
doubts removed and is sure to come
to the conviction of his own Divinity



I have no scruple of change, nor fear of death,
Nor was I ever born,
Nor had I parents.
I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute,
I am That, I am That,
I cause no misery, nor am I miserable;
I have no enemy, nor am I enemy.
I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute,
I am That, I am That,
I am without form, without limit,
Beyond space, beyond time,
I am in everything, everything is in me.
I am the bliss of the universe,
Everywhere am I.
I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute,
I am That, I am That,
I am without body or change of the body,
I am neither senses, nor object of the senses,
I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute,
I am That, I am That,
I am neither sin, nor virtue,
Nor temple, nor worship
Nor pilgrimage, nor books.
I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute,
I am That, I am That,

Rama Is Non-Dual


Born on 22 October 1873 in a very poor family in a remote village—Murariwala (Punjab) now in Pakistan, Swami Rama Tirtha, previously known as Tirtha Rama, lived a life of 33 years on this phenomenal plane like a dazzling flash, spreading the glory of Truth—Non-duality—so much so as to make him claim: Rama makes only Rama, nothing more, nothing less.
Braving stark poverty, even missing meals for days together and living on three paise per day, he continued his studies, undeterred and unabated, to maintain his tradition of securing top position upto his last examination of M.A. course. Rejecting all worldly attractions, he chose to be a Sanyasin and lived as Vedanta Incarnate.
Intoxicated in the glory of Self-Realization, Rama travelled far and wide, without keeping a single paise with him and enchanted the people of Japan, U.S.A., Egypt and other nations, not so much by his learning but by feeling and throbbing as one with them. His oneness with All was his trait which prevailed all through.
Rama’s whole being is submerged in ‘OM’—Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, nothing without it or beyond it. The whole struggle, full of tribulations, which Rama had to face, brought out Reality in him and it was his joy to travel bare footed on snowy peaks of Himalayas or live in caves inhabited by fierce animals, including tigers and snakes.
Rama did so much in so little span of 33 years as was done by Adi Shankaracharya, Christ, Sant Gyaneshwar or Swami Vivekanand to quote a few. There can be no comparison, which is futile.
All are Rama, OM
Bhagwat Swarup
Hony. Secretary
Swami Rama Tirtha Pratisthan

As They saw ‘RAMA’



Swami Vivekanand
"..... Tirtha Rama (the previous name of Swami Rama Tirtha), you are to become a Torch-bearer of ‘Advait Vedanta’ (Non-Dualism) ....."
Mahatma Gandhi(Father of Indian Nation)
"..... Swami Rama Tirtha was one of the greatest souls, not only of India, but of the whole world ....."
Madan Mohan Malviya(Founder of Banaras Hindu University & ex-President, All India Congress Committee)
"..... I have never come across a greater self-realized Mahatma (than Swami Rama Tirtha). His message will be a great boon for the coming generations ....."
Vinoba Bhave(A great saint, social reformer & Gandhian Philosopher)
"..... Swami Rama Tirtha symbolized Indian spirit ....."
Raman Maharshi
"..... Swami Rama Tirtha represents True Atman ....."
Swami Shivanand(Founder of Divine Life Society)
"..... Swami Rama Tirtha lived Practical Vedanta ..... He is Soul Incarnate ....."
Swami Shraddhanand(ex-President Arya Samaj)
"..... Swami Rama Tirtha is a spirit of actual liberation from material control ..... He is free as air ....."
Guru Charan Singh(ex-Head, Radha Swami Satsang)
"..... Swami Rama Tirtha’s utterances were joyous cry of happy heart, completely confident of his own experiences ....."
Swami Chinmayanand(Founder, Chinmay Mission)
"..... Swami Rama Tirtha has imprints, all-embracing and all-pervading. To understand him is to live Vedanta ....."
Dr. Rajendra Prasad(First President of Republic of India)
"..... Swami Rama Tirtha was a great source of inspiration ..... His words go deep into the hearts of the people ....."
Dr. S. Radhakriahnan(Second President of Republic of India)
"..... Swami Rama Tirtha was a Vedantin of Shankaracharya order ..... He pronounced Advait Vedanta (non-Dualism) in his own fashion. His life and work will continue to guide the people ....."
Sardar Zail Singh(ex-President of India)
"..... Swami Rama Tirtha was one with the whole humanity ..... A poet-monk he sang with nature, pulsated with nature ...."
Lal Bahadur Shastri(Second Prime Minister of India)
"..... I got immense inspiration from Swami Rama Tirtha ..... A Practical Vedantin, Swami Rama was also a great patriot who will continue to guide the Indian youths how to uplift the Nation ....."
Mrs. Indira Gandhi(Third Prime Minister of India & also Chairperson of Swami Rama Tirtha Birth Centenary Celebrations )
"..... Swami Rama Tirtha is one of the greatest saint-philosopher, India has produced. We are proud of him. ..... We should cherish his memory and try to live his Vedanta ....."
J. B. Kriplajni(ex-President, All India Congress committee)
"..... A God-intoxicated soul, Swami Rama Tirtha realized the presence of God every where and in all mankind ..... He moved with God and lived with God ....."
C. F. Andrews(‘Desh-Bandhu’ as he was called in India and a missionary.)
"..... Another personality, in many ways far more attractive than that of Swami Vivekanand, carried the same movement of new Vedanta ....."
Shekh Abdulla(First Prime Minister of Jammu & Kashmir State of Indian Union)
"..... Swami Rama Tirtha showed us the way to know God ....."
Mohammad Iqbal( A poet and a scholar )
"..... Rama is all sense and consciousness ....."


[Though Swami Rama Tirtha stayed in Japan hardly for a fortnight, his presence and oration was widely appreciated. Those who came in his contact in this short duration cherished his memory for a long time.]

A Few Press-Comments

"..... At the Buddhist University, Tokyo, Swami Rama Tirtha spoke shedding sparks of fire. In the audience were also Buddhists and Theosophists from Australia who listened to him with rapt attention and with him on the same platform spoke Mr. Kanzo Uchimura, the Carlyle of Japan ....."
"..... Swami Rama Tirtha delivered a great lecture in the Tokyo College of Commerce. Its wonderful flow attracted a great attention of the people ....."
The Russian Ambassador in Japan, having seen the reports of his lecture in the papers, was attracted towards Swami Rama Tirtha with whom he wanted an interview, but by that time Swami Rama had left for U.S.A.
Professor Takakutsu of the Tokyo Imperial University says: "I have met many Pandits and Philosophers at the house of Professor Max Muller in England and other places, but I have never seen a personality like Swami Rama. In him Vedanta and Buddhism meet. He is true religion. He is a true poet and philosopher."


It was in 1902 that a ship sailing from Japan reached its destination, the port of San Francisco on whose deck was walking a Sanyasin—Swami Rama—in Divine Joy. Attracted by the glow of Rama, an American gentleman approached him as to know about his destination and his belongings etc. A mere touch of the shoulders of the American—Dr. Hillar—by ‘Rama’, travelling without a penny, baggage and acquaintance in America, satisfied all his queries and Dr. Hillar became an ardent admirer of Rama. Thus stepped Rama on the land of U.S.A.
About ‘Rama’ this gentleman—Dr. Hillar wrote: "..... He is a torch of knowledge hailing from the Himalayas, the fire can burn him not, the steel can cut him not. Tears of ecstasy roll down his eyes and his very presence gives new life. ....."

A few comments of U.S. Press

"..... Out of the Jungles of upper India has came a man of astonishing wisdom, a prophet, a philosopher, a scientist and a priest ....."
"..... This remarkable sage of the Himalayas is a slender, intellectual young man, with ascetic mould of a priest ....." How do I live? To answer this question he said yesterday, ‘This is simple. I do not try. I believe. I attune my soul to the harmony of love for all man, that makes all men to love me and where love is, there is no want, no suffering ....."
"..... Men from India not infrequently reach this Port (Portland). But seldom if ever has any such learning, such broad human sympathies, such unselfish motives arrived here ....."
"..... At Denver, Swami Rama Tirtha announced in his lecture as "Every day is a New Year Day, and every night a X-Mas Night." It so startled the audience and there was long applause ....."
"..... The President of the United States on his way to the north stopped at Springs (Shastra) awhile ..... he accepted from Rama most gracefully, lovingly and cheerfully the "Appeal on behalf of India ....." (May 20, 1903)
"..... Whenever and wherever he has addressed an audience or class, he has spoken with purpose and effect and has drawn men out of their littleness ....."
"..... His (Rama’s) mission in America is two fold. Primarily it is to interest Americans in his own country and country men ..... His second object is to spread his philosophy, his glorious gospel of man’s oneness with the eternal ....."
"..... Briefly and broadly speaking Swami Rama Tirtha stands where philosophy and practical science meet ....."


On his way back to India in 1904, Swami Rama Tirtha got a chance to step on the land of Egypt as the ship carrying him stopped there for a while. The people there were impressed by him and requested Rama to address the gathering from the pulpit of the famous mosque at Cairo. Not only the people who heard him in their own language, but the Press also spoke high of Rama. The paper—‘Alabhat’ says:
"..... Swami Rama Tirtha was given a warm welcome by the people here when he delivered a lecture in Persian in the Mosque. Swami Rama is a great Hindu genius, to meet whom was a great privilege ....."


27 అక్టోబర్, 2011

అంతా సుఖించాలి

ఉపనిషత్ సందేశం

ఓం సర్వేషాం స్వస్తిర్భవతు - సర్వేషాం శాంతిర్భవతు
సర్వేషాం పూర్ణంభవతు - సర్వేషాం మంగళం భవతు
సర్వేసంతు సుఖినః - సర్వేసంతు నిరామయా
సర్వేభద్రాని పశ్యంతు మాకశ్చి ద్దుఃఖ భాగ్భవేత్
లోకాస్సమస్తా స్సుఖినో భవంతు సర్వేజనా స్సుఖినో భవంతు
సమస్త సన్మంగళాని భవంతు | ఓం శాంతిః శాంతిః శాంతిః

1. అమృతం అసి : అమరుడు అవు
2. శర్మ అసి : సుఖవంతుడు అవు
3. శుక్రం అసి : శక్తివంతుడు అవు
4. తేజః అసి : తేజము అవు
5. ధామనామ అసి : కీర్తిని పొందు
6. తేజఃవేష్ప అసి : తేజస్సుకు నిలయమము అవు
7..శత వల్మః విరో హః నిండు నూరేళ్ళు వర్ధిల్లుము
8. సర్వేపి సుఖినస్సంతు : అంతా సుఖించాలి
9.సర్వేసంతు నిరామయా : అంతా వ్యాధిరహితులు కావాలి
10.సర్వే భద్రాణి పశ్యంతు : అందరూ శుభాలను చూడాలి
11.మాకశ్చిద్దుఃఖభాగ్భవేత్ : ఏ ఒక్కడూ దుఃఖంచే బాధించబడరాదు.


Sri Raghavendra Swamy Kavacham

||పూజ్యాయ రాఘవేంద్రాయ సత్యధర్మరతాయ చ||. ||భజతాం కల్పవృక్షాయ నమతాం కామధేనవే||. 

Poojyaya Raghavendraya Satya Dharma Rathayacha 
| Bhajataam Kalpavrukshaya Namataam Kamadhenave ||

"ಪೂಜ್ಯಾಯ ರಾಘವೇಂದ್ರಾಯ ಸತ್ಯಧರ್ಮ ವ್ರತಾಯಚ | ಭಜತಾಂ ಕಲ್ಪವೃಕ್ಷಾಯ ನಮತಾಂ ಕಾಮಧೇನುವೆ ||

Mookopi yathprasadena |
Mukunda Shayanaayathe || 
Raja raajayathe riktho |
Raghavendram tamaashraye ||
With whose blessings even a dumb can speak as eloquently as Sri Adi Sesha(Seven Headed Serpent on which Lord Sri Vishnu rests) and with whose blessings a pauper turns into a rich, to them, Sri Guru Raghavendra Swamygalu, I'm surrendering my self !!!   
Srimad Appanaacharya Virachitam

Atha Sri Raghavendra Swamy Kavacham

Kavacham Raghavendrasya Yathindrasya Mahaathmanaha
Vakshyami Guruvaryasya Vaanchitartha Pradaayakam (1)

Rushirasyappanaacharyaha Chandonushtup Prakirthitam
Devatha Sri Raghavendra Gururishtaardha Sidhayee (2)

Ashtothara Shatham Japyam Bhakthi Yukthena Chethasaa
Udyatpradyotanadyota Dharmakurmaasanesthitham (3)

Khadya khadyothana Dyotha Prathaapam Raama Maanasam
Dhruttha Kaashaya Vasanam Tulasi Haara Vakshasam (4)

Dordhanda Vilasaddanda Kamadalu Virajitham
Abhayagnana Mudraaksha Maala Lola Karaambhujam (5)

Yogindra Vandya Paadabjam Raghavendra Gurum Bhaje
Shirorakshatu Menithyam Raghavendro Khaleshtadam (6)

Paapaadri Paatena Vajra Keshaan Rakshatume Sadaa
Kshamaasura Ganaadhisho Mukham Rakshatu Me Guruhu (7)

Hari Seva labdha Sarva Sampatphalam Mamaavathu
Devaswabhavovathu Ye Drushou Thatha Pradarshakaha (8)

Ista Pradaane Kalpadruhu Shrotreshrutyartha Bodhakaha
Bhavya Swarupome Naasaam Jihwaamevathu Bhavyakruth (9)

Aasyam Rakshathaame Dhukhathula Sanghaghni Charyakaha
Sukha Dairyadi Sugunobhuvou Mama Sadaavathu (10)

OushtaaRakshatu Mesarwa Graha Nigraha Shakthimaan
Upaplavo Dhadessethur Dantharakshathu Mesadaa (11)

Nirastha Dhoshame Pathu Kapolou Sarva Palakaha
Niravadya Mahaavesha Kantam Mevathu Sarvadaa (12)

Karnamulethu Prathyardhi Muukathwa Karawaat Mama
Bahuvaadi Jayipaathuhasthou Sathathwa Vaadikruth (13)

Karou Rakshathume Vidwad Parigneya Viseshawaan
Vaagvaikhari Bhavya Sesha Jayivakshasthalam Mama (14)

Sathisanthaana Sampathi Bhakthi Gnaanadhi Vrudhikruth
SthanouRakshathu Menithyam Shariraavadya Haanikruth (15)

Punyavardhana Paadaabja Abhisheka Jala Sanchayaha
Naabhim Rakshatume Paarshoudyunadeetulya Sadgunaha (16)

Prustam Rakshathumenithyam Thaapathraya Vinaashakruth
Katim Me Rakshathu SadaaVandyaa Sathputradaayakaha (17)

Jaghanam Mevathu Sadaavyangaswanga Samrudhikruth
Guhyam Rakshathu Me Paapagrahaarista Vinaashakruth (18)

Bhakthaagha Vidhwamsakara Nijamurthi Pradarshakaha
Murthimaan Paathumeroma Raghavendro Jagadguru (19)

Sarvathantra Swatantrosou Jaanunime Sadaavathu
Jangherakshathu Menithyam SriMadhwa matha Vardhanaha (20)

Vijayeendra Karaabjotha Sudheendra Varaputrakaha
Gulphou Sri Raghavendro ye Yathiraat Sarvadaavathu (21)

Paadaou Rakshathume Sarva Bhayahaari Krupanidhihi
Gnaanabhakthi Suputhraayuryashah Sri Punya Vardhanaha (22)

Karapaadaanguli Sarva Mamaavathu Jagadguruhu
Prathivaadi Jayaswaantha Bhedachihnaadaro Guruhu (23)

Nakhanavathu Mesarwaan Sarvaashastra Visharadaha
Aparokshikrutha Srishaha Praachyaam Dishi Sadaavathu (24)

Sadakshine Chaavathu Maam Samupekshitha Bhavajaha
Apekshitha Pradaathacha Prathichyaamavathu Prabhuhu (25)

Dayaadakshinya Vairaagya Vaakpaatavamukhaankhitaha
Sadodichyaamavapathu Maam Shaapaanugraha Shakthimaan (26)

Nikilendriya Doshagno Mahaanugraha Krudguruhu
Athaschorthwam Chaavathu MaamAshtaakshara Manodithaha (27)

Aathmaathmeeya Gharaashighno Maam Rakshathu Vidhikshucha
ChathurNaam Cha Vumardhaanaam Daatha Prathaha Sadaavathu (28)

Sangamevathu Maamnithyam Tatvanithsarva Soukhyakruth
Madhyaahnegamya Mahima Maam Rakshathu Mahaayashaaha (29)

Mruthapotha Praanadaatha Saa Yaahne Maam Sadaavathu
Vedhistha Purushojjivi Nishidhe Paathu Maam Guruhu (30)

Vahnistha Maalikodharthaa Vahnithaapaathsadaavathu
Samagra Tika Vyakhyatha Gururme Vishayevathu (31)

Kaantharevathu Maamnithyam Bhashya Sangraha Krudguruhu
Sudha Parimalodhartha SuChandasthu Sadaavathu (32)

RajaChora VishaVyadhi Yaadovanya Mrugadibhihi
Apasmaaraapahaarthanaha Shastravithsarvadaavathu (33)

Gathou Sarvathra Maam Paathupanishadardha kruthguruhu
Rugvyakhyaana Krudaachaaryaha Sthithou Rakshathu Maam Sadaa (34)

Mantralaya Nivaasimaam Jaagradkaale Sadavathu
Nyayamukthavalee Kartha Swapnam Rakshathu Maam Sadaa (35)

Maam Paathu ChandrikaVyakhya Kartha Supthouhi Tatvakruth
Sutantradeepikaa kartha Mukthou Rakshathu Maam Guruhu (36)

Githaardha Sangraha Kartha Sadaa Rakshathu Maam Guruhu
Sri Madhwa Matha Dugdhabdhi Chandrovathu Sadaanaghaha (37)

Ithi Sri Raghavendrasya Kavacham Paapanaashanam
Sarva Vyadhi Haram Sadyaha Paavanam Punya vardhanam (38)

Ya Idam Patathe nithyam Niyameva Samaahithaha
Adrustihi Purnadrustihi Syaadedamookopi Vaakpathihi (39)

Purnayuhu Purna Sampathi Bhakthi Gnanavrudhikruth
Pithva Vaari Naro Yena Kavachenaabhimantritam (40)

Jahaathi Kukshigaan Rogaan Guruvarya Prasaadathaha
Pradakshina Namaskaaraan Gurobrundavanasyayaha (41)

Karothi Parayaa Bhakthyaa Thadethkavacham Patan
Panguhu Konishcha Pougandaha Purnaango Jaayathe Dhruvam (42)

Seshaascha Kustapurdma Nasyanthyaa Mayaraashayaha
Astaaksharena Mantrena Sthothrena Kavachena Cha (43)

Vrundavane Sannihitamabhishichya Yathavidhi
Yantre Manthraaksharaanyashtou Vilikhyatra Prathistitam (44)

Shodashai Rupachaaryaischa Sampujya Trijagadgurum
Astothara Kasathaakhyabhirarchayethku Sumaanidibhihi (45)

Phalaischa Vividhaireva Gurorarchaam Prakurvathaha
Naamasravana Maatrena Guruvarya Prasaadathaha (46)

Bhuthapretha Pisaachaadyaha Vidravanthi Disho Dasha
Patedethathrikam Nithyam Gurorvrundavanaanthike (47)

Deepam Samyojya Vidyaavan Sabhasu Vijayi Bhaveth
Raaja Chora MahaaVyaghra Sarpanakraadi Peedanaath (48)

Kavachasya Prabhavena Bhayam Thasya Na Jaayate
Somasuryoparaagaadikaale Vrundavanaanthike (49)

Kavachaadithrikam Punyam Appanaacharya Darshitam
Japedyaha Sa Dhanam Putraan Bhaaryam Cha Sumanoramaam (50)

Gnaanam Bhakthim Cha Vyraagyam Bhukthim Mukthim Cha Shaasvatam
Sampraapya Modate nityam Guruvarya Prasaadathaha (51)

Ithi Srimad Appanaacharya Virachitam
Sri Raghavendra Kavacham Sampurnam

Sri Raghavendraya Namaha !!!

25 అక్టోబర్, 2011

May peace transcend the earth.

దీపావళి శుభాకాంక్షలు 
May peace transcend the earth.
భూమి అంతా శాంతి వేలుగొందని.

భూమి లో శాంతి నేలకోనని
May This Diwali be as bright as ever.

ఆత్మీయ బంధువులకు ఆత్మీయ ఉత్తరం - 23

పరమాత్మా వైపా! ప్రపంచము వైపా ! కురు పాండవ సంగ్రామము నిశ్చయమయినాక కౌరవులనునుడి దుర్యోధనుడు, పాండవులనుండి అర్జునుడు శ్రీ కృష్ణ పరమాత్మాను సహాయ...

శాంతి నేలకోనుగాక !

భూమి లో శాంతి నేలకోనుగాక ! అంతరిక్షం లో శాంతి నేలకోనుగాక ! ఆకాశం లో శాంతి నేలకోనని. నీటిలో శాంతి నేలకోనుగాక ! మూలకాలలో ( మూలికలలో ) శాంతి నేలకోనుగాక !
చెట్టు చేమలలో శాంతి నేలకోనుగాక ! దేవతలందరూ నాకు శాంతిని ప్రసాదిస్తారు గాక ! ప్రతి ఒక్కరికి దేవతలు శాంతిని అనుగ్రహిస్తారు గాక ! శాంతి లో సకల ప్రాణులు శాంతి పొందు గాక !
ఈ నానా విధ శాంతులు మూలంగా నాకు మరియు అందరికి మంగళం ఒనగూరు గాక ! వాటికీ మంగళం ఒనగూరు గాక ! సమస్తమూ మనకు మంగళమును ప్రసాదించు గాక !. సమస్తానికి మంగళం ఒనగూరుగాక.

ఓం శాంతి ! శాంతి !! శాంతి: !!! .సత్యం నిత్యం అనంతం

సర్వేజనః సుఖినో భవంతు


అహం బ్రహ్మసి

The peace (Shanti) that resides in the solar world (Dyauh), in space (Antariksha), in the earth (Prithwi) and elemental waters (Rapah),
nourishes the herbs, fruits and grains (Roshadhayah) thereby nourishing the original power (Om) in all beings (Vishvedevah).
May the peace of the whole (Brahma) now and forever more (Sarvagwam) come into us, we pray. May the highest good prevail.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti (Peace Peace Peace) .సత్యం నిత్యం అనంతం


tranquilness, Peace, peace, peace shanti shanti shanti !

May all people be happy

May all people be happy
May all people be happy

వినాయక చవితి శుభాకాంక్షలు

వినాయక చవితి శుభాకాంక్షలు
వినాయక చవితి శుభాకాంక్షలు

వినాయక చవితి శుభాకాంక్షలు

వినాయక చవితి శుభాకాంక్షలు
వినాయక చవితి శుభాకాంక్షలు















