Swami Dayatmananda
Loneliness is an existential and inescapable human condition
feared by all. Wherever we look we find loneliness amidst crowds. It is
hard to come by a person who has not experienced loneliness.
Nothing comes with us, nothing goes with us; we are born alone,
we travel alone and we die alone. We cannot eat, sleep or share our
experience, our joys or sorrows with anyone else. We can only share
information, but not understanding.
Such is our human condition and this state of affairs will continue
until the individual merges into the divine. This is what Plotinus calls "the
flight of the alone to the Alone"
There could be no poverty greater than loneliness, no fear greater
than the feeling of being isolated, not being wanted, not loved, not
appreciated. Some existential philosophers even consider loneliness
as the essential condition of humanness. Vedanta, naturally, denies this
view. All our struggle from birth to death is to accept, cope and overcome
this dreaded loneliness through family, society, work, prayer, meditation,
feared by all. Wherever we look we find loneliness amidst crowds. It is
hard to come by a person who has not experienced loneliness.
Nothing comes with us, nothing goes with us; we are born alone,
we travel alone and we die alone. We cannot eat, sleep or share our
experience, our joys or sorrows with anyone else. We can only share
information, but not understanding.
Such is our human condition and this state of affairs will continue
until the individual merges into the divine. This is what Plotinus calls "the
flight of the alone to the Alone"
There could be no poverty greater than loneliness, no fear greater
than the feeling of being isolated, not being wanted, not loved, not
appreciated. Some existential philosophers even consider loneliness
as the essential condition of humanness. Vedanta, naturally, denies this
view. All our struggle from birth to death is to accept, cope and overcome
this dreaded loneliness through family, society, work, prayer, meditation,
So what is loneliness?
Loneliness is a mental state where a person experiences an
intense feeling of emptiness and isolation, of not being wanted, of
being cut off from everything. It is a state in which life appears to be
meaningless and purposeless. It is a state where a person is incapable
of deriving any joy from life and, often, feels like committing suicide.
It is normal to feel lonely at times. But when loneliness becomes intense,
constant and brings on depression and pessimism, it turns into a dreadful
Loneliness should not, however, be equated with being alone. One can
be alone and feel joyful and fulfilled. And one can be intensely lonely in the
midst of crowds.
"Language... has created the word 'loneliness' to express the pain of
being alone. And it has created the word 'solitude' to express the glory of
being alone."
Paul Tillich (Theologian and Philosopher)
Types of loneliness
Loneliness is of many types.
There is a simple and temporary type of loneliness. Often when one
Reprinted from Vedanta Magazine - Ramakrishna Vedanta Center, UK.(Sept. 2009 to Jan. 2010)
Swami Dayatmananda is the spiritual head of Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre, UK.
is removed from one's surroundings one feels lonely. When people lose their
loved ones or partners they can be overwhelmed with loneliness. Or when a
person fails to pass an examination or fails to secure a job, he may feel lonely.
This state does not last long and can easily be remedied.
One may feel lonely when one feels misunderstood and not
appreciated. This is especially applicable to creative people like artists, scientists,
great writers, and also patriots and statesmen; these people often feel lonely,
because there are few with whom they can talk meaningfully.
Spiritual giants can experience loneliness sometimes. Swamis like Shivananda
and Brahmananda used to feel sad, because there was nobody with whom they
can joyfully share their experiences. (Even Sri Ramakrishna felt it sometimes! A
joyful person, often, wishes to share his joy with all!)
Another type of loneliness is the feeling that one has no friends and
relatives, and that no one loves me, and I have no one to relate to. Such people
feel forlorn and depressed, and often entertain thoughts of suicide.
Old age and chronic diseases can and do often bring on the
feelings of loneliness. In fact these days the aged and elderly suffer
intensely from feelings of loneliness in spite of all the facilities provided for
Then there is a special type of loneliness. It is the intense
longing of the soul to become united with the divine within. Vedanta tells us
each soul is potentially divine. This potential divinity will not allow any
individual to rest until the soul is merged in the Universal. This spiritual
longing may not manifest for a long time. But it is bound to come in
every person's life at some point of time and make them lead a spiritual
life. Sincere spiritual aspirants feel that in this whole world they are
alone, no one belongs to them and they belong to no one. Though this
feeling is categorised as loneliness, this is not a disease, nor a cause for
distress. On the contrary this is a most necessary and desirable condition
for spiritual growth. Without this feeling of loneliness none can
advance in spiritual life. As May Sarton put it so beautifully: "Loneliness is
the poverty of self; solitude is the richness of self"
Loneliness is a dreadful disease. Its causes, effects, and cure will
be discussed in future editorials.
Loneliness is a painful and negative state of mind. There is no
one who is free from it, no one can be free from it. We all suffer from
it for a shorter or longer period of time. Some philosophers consider
'aloneness' as the very essence of being human. It means that being
unable to be alone is to lose one's humanness itself. Even animals (pets,
especially dogs when separated from their owners) are seen to suffer
from loneliness! Saints alone are exceptions. They never feel lonely
as they experience the presence of God at all times.
In our last editorial we discussed what loneliness is. In this
editorial we will discuss the causes and effects of loneliness. Loneliness
results not from one but from many causes. These causes can be roughly
divided into five categories: existential, external, psychological, social and
Existential causes
Loneliness is a constitutional element of existence. We are born and die
alone. Each of us sleeps, eats, experiences pleasure and pain, health and
sickness all by himself. At the most others can make conditions better or
Birth, adolescence, youth, middle age, old age, and death (What
Vedanta calls shat vikaras, the six changes) are inescapable realities of life.
We gladly accept adolescence and youth but, inexplicably, many of us suffer
from mid-life crisis. Menopause is a painful period of transition for many
women. Old age affects almost all of us. Death and bereavement can also
cause loneliness. All these events also bring about some external changes in our
life. But the effects of these are also usually temporary and we learn to accept
them soon.
Some of us cannot escape physical and mental disability. These can,
and usually do, bring about some amount of discrimination and being
looked down upon. Being treated as 'different' by others often makes
people feel even lonelier.
External and Social causes
Loneliness, definitely, has become a major problem of our times. In the
past, families were either joint or typically larger, and very few people lived
alone. Today millions live alone. Retirement and unemployment are also common
causes of loneliness. To move away from one's country, family and familiar
surroundings can lead to a sense of loneliness.
The stresses of modern life such as changes in employment practice, a rising
divorce rate, and the fact that people easily move away to far off places, have
caused many to suffer from feelings of loneliness. These actions give us much
freedom. But this freedom has a negative effect. It leaves us without solid
grounding in, or commitment to a family, a place or a community.
Thanks to advancement in medicine people are living longer. A new word
'Geriatrics,' i.e. the branch of medicine that focuses on health care of the elderly,
has been coined. Due to modern social conditions many elderly people are forced to
live in old people's homes. Though otherwise well taken care of, many of them
experience intense feelings of loneliness. This is due to lack of love and affection
from their families.
Psychological causes
Along with the advancements in science and technology, massive
inequalities, racial and social discrimination are also on the rise. Companies
are growing bigger and multi-nationals are edging out or even snuffing smaller
and individual companies. This gives rise to intense competition and attempts
to outdo others. Competition and success are the two great diseases of
modern social life reminding us of the 'survival of the fittest.' Naturally these
lead to feelings of being unwelcome, fear, sadness and failure.
Lack of purpose in one's life can also bring on feelings of loneliness. Low self-
esteem, especially, when one compares oneself with (the seeming success of)
one's colleagues can give rise to feelings of frustration and loneliness.
A survey of mental health problems in the USA found that social phobia was
the third most common problem, after depression and alcohol dependence. People
who are anxious, depressed, or trapped in addictive behaviour, may have low self-
esteem and feel guilty and worthless. This can lead them to shun the company of
other people and cut themselves off from their families and friends. This in turn
leads to loneliness.
Fear of fear is a terrible experience! Along with other effects, anticipating the
fear of loneliness can lead to deeper despair.
Spiritual Causes
The root cause of any form of loneliness can be traced to the neglect of
spiritual life. What is spirituality? It is "The Flight of the Alone to the Alone," as
Plotinus puts it. The inability to be alone and enjoy the company of one's own
higher Self is to be unspiritual and unhappy.
Vedanta teaches us that man's personality is trichotomous i.e., soul, mind
and body. We suffer if body and mind are sick; we suffer even more if we neglect
the spiritual side of our life.
In the past religion provided comfort for most people. Unfortunately the rise
of science and technology has made many lose faith in God and moral values.
Many of us are blissfully ignorant that neglect of spiritual life can leave us with
feelings of profound emptiness and loneliness.
How do we know this is true? If we have, more or less, all that life can give
us and still continue to feel empty and lonely inside ourselves, the cause is
undoubtedly spiritual. If we do not lead a spiritual life, we definitely feel an
emptiness in spite of having an abundance of material goods.
Effects of loneliness
Loneliness can lead to varying degrees of despair, anxiety, sadness,
boredom, inability to function effectively in any given situation, etc. Loneliness and
boredom are closely allied emotions. These emotions must be understood and dealt
with properly. Otherwise they can lead to suicide, or all sorts of criminal activities,
even to murder. Many antisocial activities, including crime, can be traced to intense
feelings of boredom.
We can see from the above that there is no option but to deal with our
feelings of loneliness.
The cure for loneliness will be discussed in our next editorial.
Loneliness can wreck our lives. But if we deal with it in the right
way, it will yield invaluable fruits: physical, intellectual and spiritual.
In this issue we will discuss how we can do it.
Loneliness can be overcome, but it needs strong determination and
definite practice of some of the steps outlined below.
Accepting loneliness
The first step in overcoming loneliness is by understanding
its inevitability and accepting it. We live and die alone - this is an
inescapable fact of existence. When we begin to accept it, a new vision of
life opens before us. With this acceptance also dawns a new urge to
make creative use of it. It is only then that our true potential begins to
manifest. When we accept the existential condition of our loneliness, the
first thing we notice is that our fears and anxieties start to diminish slowly.
Sri Ramakrishna used to advise his devotees to go into solitude
every now and then. His words have deep significance. Most of us fear
solitude, for we fear to be alone. Solitary confinement is considered as one
of the worst forms of punishment, for one is forced to confront oneself
and few can stand it.
What may be the cause of this fear? Perhaps the ego fears the
loss of its identity. The ego, for its support, usually depends heavily on
nationality, religion, language, culture, job-status, social position etc.
When these seem to be lost in solitude, the ego fears for its very
existence. Just as a baby seems to be lost without its mother, so also
the ego experiences terrible fear in the absence of all these. If I am not
so and so, then what am I? Part of our fear of loneliness is our fear of
losing our self, or our sense of who we are. But by accepting the fact
that we are alone we lessen our fear of loneliness.
A definite goal in life
We must have a definite goal in life. The secret of a mature personality is to
have a goal and purpose in life. A definite goal makes life meaningful and also
defines one's daily activities. A person with a goal in life and a set routine of
activities can cope with loneliness better than one who has none.
Physical exercise
Surprisingly those who exercise regularly have less problems with
loneliness. Probably this is due to the changes that occur in our bodies as a
result of exercising. Swami Vivekananda used to say strong bodied people
have more control over their emotions.
A good hobby
An enjoyable hobby is a good antidote to stress and loneliness.
Especially hobbies like music and gardening can uplift our minds and make
life's journey much more pleasant.
Many rush into feverish activities or cook up other schemes for
avoiding loneliness. All these escape tactics will not help us. They are not
only counter-productive, but can actually exacerbate our loneliness once the
excitement is over!
But true service-oriented activities can help much. Swami
Vivekananda was a great advocate of service to God in the form of
humanity. The Ramakrishna Order was founded with the twin motto of
one's own salvation and the welfare of the world. His concept of service
goes far beyond the spiritual and merely social realm. Genuine service
needs a good and loving heart. Love and goodness, as we know, are
the greatest purifiers of the ego! They act as antidotes to negative
feelings like depression and despair, loneliness included.
True love unites the lover with the object of his love. No one can
be loving and selfish at the same time. As such one of the best
remedies to loneliness is serving society, looking upon it as the
manifestation of God. These days many opportunities exist for those
willing to render service. One can join an organisation (and there are
many who welcome volunteers) or a voluntary group. Or visit old-age
homes, hospices, etc. and spend some time with people who feel lonely
and left out. If one is unable to render service, one can help
organisations not only financially but in many other ways.
Spiritual practice
As we mentioned earlier, the root cause of loneliness is spiritual..
We feel lonely, because we are ignorant of our true nature. No matter
how fulfilling our life might be socially, intellectually or morally, our
heart yearns for the divine. This yearning we feel is deep, real and it
comes from the depths of ourselves. Spiritual loneliness is really a deep
void within ourselves, a hollowness that cannot be filled with anything
other than spirituality.
Swami Vivekananda put his finger right on the problem when he
said: "Each soul is potentially divine." Whether we know it or not all of
us are trying to manifest our forgotten divinity. Any halt in this process
is what makes us feel lonely. Even a little regular practice of spiritual
disciplines like prayer, meditation, etc. goes a long way in coping with
loneliness. Sri Krishna says: "Even a little practice of this Yoga protects
one from great fear." (Bhagavad Gita 2.40)
Simple prayer can uplift the mind to a higher realm. Whenever we
detect feelings of depression or desolation, we can lift ourselves up through
simple whole-hearted prayer. Similarly regular readings from the holy
scriptures also can help us a great deal. Scriptures are the recording's of
saints and sages. There is a great power in them. Even mechanical reading or
hearing of scriptures can lift our minds up into a higher state.
There are many types of spiritual practises. One of the most
effective of these is the practice of the presence of God. The well-known book
Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence is very reassuring and
helpful. One should try to feel the presence of God in all places, at all times
and under all circumstances.
Japa or constant remembrance of one's mantram or a holy word is
highly effective. Japam should, of course, be done with full awareness and
love. Through practice one can do japam almost constantly.
Vipassana or the meditation taught by many Buddhists is an excellent
practice. (Belief in a God is not a necessary condition for this practice.
Buddha did not speak of a God.) In Vipassana one is taught to pay close
attention to all that goes on in the body and mind. One is advised to
watch one's breath, postures, thoughts that rush in one's mind etc. Practice
of Vipassana meditation is an excellent remedy for loneliness.
The importance of solitude
Ours is a busy and extroverted civilisation. Here the cultivation of
solitude is discouraged. But cultivation of solitude is most important if we want
to have peace, joy and fulfilment.
Sri Ramakrishna often advised his devotees to go into solitude. He said:
"It is most necessary to go into solitude now and then and think of God. To
fix the mind on God is very difficult, in the beginning, unless one practises
meditation in solitude. To meditate, you should withdraw within yourself or
retire to a secluded corner or to the forest." The Bhagavad Gita also advises all
aspirants on a number of qualities which a seeker of self-knowledge must
cultivate. One such quality is resorting to solitude and turning away from the
society of men.
Solitude is an excellent way of cultivating noble thoughts. "They are
never alone that are accompanied by noble thoughts." (Sir Philip Sidney)
Some of the greatest creations in literature, art, and music (not to speak
of spirituality) that the world has known were only conceived in moments of
profound solitude. Kierkegaard speaks of relating to one's own self by willing
to be oneself. This is undoubtedly a heroic task.
Solitude is the handmaid of the interior life. In solitude alone we can
discover our true Self. Without quiet and aloneness, it is not possible to
develop an interior life. And without an interior life there is nothing to speak
to us but our own emptiness and loneliness.
Loneliness is an existential fact of life. But we need not be lonely or suffer
from it. We have outlined some of the best ways of coping with it. Loneliness is
a gift of God. Through proper use of it we can become Blessed and Fulfilled.